Welcome to Fox Field Farm, nestled in the picturesque landscape of Prince Edward County. Our family farm is dedicated to producing top-quality forage tailored to the needs of your horses.

At Fox Field Farm, we understand the importance of nutrition in maintaining the health and performance of your horse. That’s why we specialize in producing low carb forage the foundation of a healthy equine diet. We grow and carefully harvest our hay to support the wellbeing of your horse.

Fox Field Farm is more than just a forage producer – we’re also home to a small but dedicated dressage horse breeding program. We focus on quality over quantity, we strive to breed dressage horses for the serious amateur rider with top temperaments.

Get in touch with Fox Field Farm and experience the difference that quality forage can make in your horse’s life. Whether you’re stocking up for your stable or looking to add a future champion to your equestrian family, we’re here to provide you with the foundation of good nutrition and quality well handled young horses

Explore our website to learn more about our farm, our forage products, and our breeding program. We look forward to welcoming you to the Fox Field Farm family!

Unlocking the Power of Low Carb Horse Hay: A Nutritional Game Changer

wagons with hay
tractor with wagons of round bales of hay

As horse owners and caretakers, we’re constantly seeking ways to optimize our equine companions’ health and performance. One often-overlooked but crucial aspect of their diet is hay. While hay is a staple forage for horses, not all hay is created equal. Today, we’re delving into the benefits of low-carb horse hay and why it could be a game-changer for your equine partner.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the benefits, let’s clarify what low-carb horse hay actually means. Essentially, it refers to hay with reduced levels of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), including sugars and starches. High NSC levels in hay can contribute to various health issues in horses, including insulin resistance, laminitis, and obesity. Low-carb hay, on the other hand, provides a more balanced and suitable option for many equines, particularly those prone to metabolic disorders.

1. Weight Management

One of the most significant advantages of low-carb hay is its role in weight management for horses. Obesity is a prevalent issue among domesticated horses, often resulting from diets high in sugars and starches. Low-carb hay offers a solution by providing a lower-calorie alternative that allows horses to maintain a healthy weight without compromising on essential nutrients.

2. Improved Digestive Health

Horses are natural grazers, evolved to consume high-fiber diets. Low-carb hay typically contains higher fiber content, promoting optimal digestive health. The increased fiber aids in maintaining gut motility, reducing the risk of colic and other gastrointestinal issues. Additionally, low-carb hay can help stabilize the hindgut environment, fostering a healthy balance of beneficial microflora.

3. Minimized Risk of Metabolic Disorders

For horses predisposed to metabolic disorders such as equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) and insulin resistance (IR), managing carbohydrate intake is crucial. High NSC levels in hay can exacerbate these conditions, leading to insulin spikes and potential laminitis episodes. Low-carb hay offers a safer alternative, allowing horses to maintain steady blood glucose levels and reducing the risk of metabolic complications.

4. Enhanced Performance and Behavior

The quality of a horse’s diet directly impacts its energy levels, stamina, and overall behavior. Low-carb hay provides a steady source of energy without the sudden spikes and crashes associated with high-sugar diets. As a result, horses fed low-carb hay may experience improved performance, greater focus, and a more even temperament, making them ideal partners for training and competition.


Incorporating low-carb hay into your horse’s diet can have a transformative impact on their health and well-being. From weight management to digestive health and metabolic stability, the benefits are undeniable. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified equine nutritionist or veterinarian to determine the appropriate hay type and feeding regimen for your individual horse’s needs.

At Fox Field Farm, we understand the importance of providing horses with optimal nutrition. That’s why we’re proud to offer premium low-carb horse hay, meticulously grown and harvested to meet the highest standards of quality and nutritional value. Join us in prioritizing your horse’s health and happiness with our exceptional hay products.

Here’s to unlocking the power of low-carb horse hay and nurturing thriving equine partnerships!